Robust analytics and instant, inspired action.
Find and activate your hidden trust equity.
For professionals in brand, marketing, sales & BD, reputation, corporate communication and in career development.
Scale easily to your teams and across digital interactions.
Ask normal ChatGPT:
Ask ChatGPT (or your AI) if and Trustifier.AI are right for you (type your questions, or copy and paste the prompts into the ChatGPT field):
"What is the impact even of small, incremental improvements in customer trust on business performance, specifically on NPS scores, including specific percentage changes? Give specific data points."
'Why would I, as a Marketing & Sales Director, use ' (use your function and category)
'How can I use the results and in my organisation? Across channels and functions like pushing through our CRM and chatbots?'
'Explain and compare what can do for us that you, Copilot and other copy AIs can't offer me? What is the benefit?'
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Build More Trust in Every Interaction, because your success doubles with every little bit more trust.
Instead of generic writing, create relevant and purposeful copy with substance that maximises your trust with every message and every word.
Brand & Marketing
Ads, Newsletters,
Publications, Social Content
Emails, Letters, Proposals, Presentations, Conversations
Trust Drives
Customer & Donor Trust Effect
NPS up to 85%
Loyalty up to 75%
Consider up to 70%
Newsletters, announcements, job descriptions
People Trust Effect
Trust Drives
People Engagement up to 86%
Speeches, annual reports, media releases, investor communications
Reputation Trust Effect
Trust Drives
Reputation up to 87%
Investor Communications,
Presentations, Reports
Investor Trust Effect
Personal Brand
Social & web profiles, letters, day-to-day emails, applications, publications.
After sign up your page menu appears in the login bar.
The AI That Knows People:
Blending Psychology and Tech.
Finds All Your Great Trust Equity
Uniquely connected to Google search
Writes Copy with Purpose and Substance
Trained to write copy that builds more trust
Uses Heuristics and Creative Techniques
Not some old model just because it's cheaper
Enhanced by Globally Awarded Writers
Created and designed for impact
The six scientifically, statistically and practically proven dimensions of trust developed with Professor Wilhelm Salber
Understand How Trust Really Works
We can't just trust. Our trust is the sum of the specific reasons why we trust a person, brand, or organisation. Our mind organises these reasons into six distinct categories of trust, evaluates them and sums them up.
TrustLogic®: The Six Buckets of Trust®:
Stability Trust and Development Trust
Relationship Trust and benefit Trust
Vision Trust and Competence Trust
How do I build more trust?
Consider these categories as the ‘Six Buckets of Trust®’ that you need to fill. To build more trust, you must understand which of these Trust Buckets® are most important and how to fill them. That’s what TrustfierAI® and TrustAnalyser® help you do.